Dynamic Brain workshop at Friday Harbor
It was such a great please to teach at Dynamic Brain Workshop this year! During 2 weeks the students were analyzing the brain data...
Talking about epilepsy with kids
Recently I had a talk with 10 year old Drew Matheieson and his father. Due to unfortunate circumstances his mother is suffering from...
Human and mouse neurons
Finally, our article on human and mouse neurons has been published! The popular science article in Russian could be found here. The...
Epilepsy mean-field model is published
http://www.eneuro.org/content/5/5/ENEURO.0019-18.2018 Finally, the article I began working on at the University of Washington has come...
Human epilepsy at Microsoft
Hi everybody, I have recently gave a talk on human epilepsy. I was positively surprised that Microsoft Research started working on...
Lecture about comparing mouse and human neurons in Moscow
I have recently been invited to give a lecture at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. I have been talking about our work in the...
Adaptation is important for seizures!
We just published our work about human seizures on pre-print. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/05/02/312561 The long story...
What is so special about human cortex?
We did a thing! https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/05/02/312298 Here is the pre-print of our work comparing mouse and human...
Human epilepsy in France
https://www.frm.org/epilepsie-une-proteine-transporteuse-d-ions-mise-en-cause Gave an interview about human epilepsy about my thesis work...
Epilepsy from neuroscience point of view
https://22century.ru/popular-science-publications/epilepsy I have recently gave an interview about our work on human epilepsy in the...