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PLOS Computational Biology, PLOS One, Organization for Computational NeurosciencesNeurocomputing, Brain Research Bulletein, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, ​Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience


Research papers

Wei Y., Nandi A., Jia X., Siegle J. H., Denman D., Lee S. Y., Buchin A., van Geit W., Mosher C. P., Olsen Sh., Anastassiou C. A. (2023). Associations between in vitro, in vivo and in silico cell classes in mouse primary visual cortex. Nature communications.

Buchin A., de Frates R., Nandi A., Mann R., Chong P., Ng L., Miller J., Hodge R., Kalmbach B., Bose S., Rutishauser U., McConoughey S., Lein E., Berg J., Sorensen S., Gwinn R., Koch Ch., Ting J., Anastassiou C. A. (2022). Multi-modal characterization and simulation of human epileptic circuitry. Cell Reports.

Nandi A., Chartrand T., Van Geit W., Buchin A., Yao Z., Yeun Lee S., Wei W., Kalmbach B., Lee B., Lein E., Berg J., Sümbül U., Koch C., Tasic B., Anastassiou C. A. (2022). Single-neuron models linking electrophysiology, morphology, and transcriptomics across cortical cell types. Cell Reports.

Berg J., Sorensen S. A., Ting J. T., Miller A. J., Chartrand T., Buchin, A., Bakken, E. T., Budzillo, A., Dee, N., Ding, S.-L. et al. (2021). Human cortical expansion involves diversification and specialization of supragranular intratelencephalic-projecting neurons. Nature.

Kalmbach K .E., Buchin A., Miller J. A., Bakken T. E., Hodge R. D., Chong P., de Frates R., Dai K., Gwinn P. G., Cobbs C., Ko A. L., Ojemann J. G., Sibergeld D. L., Koch C., Anastassiou C. A., Lein E., Ting J. T. (2018). H-channels contribute to divergent electrophysiological properties of supragranular pyramidal neurons in human versus mouse cerebral cortex. Neuron,

Buchin A., Kerr C. C., Huberfeld G., Miles R., Gutkin B. (2018). Adaptation and inhibition control pathological synchronization in a model of focal epileptic seizure. eNeuro, 0019-18.2018

Buchin A., Chizhov, A., Huberfeld, G., Miles, R., & Gutkin, B. S. (2016). Reduced Efficacy of the KCC2 Cotransporter promotes epileptic oscillations in a subiculum network model. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(46), 11619-11633.

Buchin A., Rieubland, S., Häusser, M., Gutkin, B. S., & Roth, A. (2016). Inverse stochastic resonance in cerebellar Purkinje cells. PLOS Computational Biology, 12(8), e1005000.

Buchin A. Yu., Huberfeld G., Miles R., Chizhov A. V., Gutkin B. S., Petrov V. (2015). Effects of reduced efficacy of KCC2 cotransporter in single neuron model: implications for epilepsy. St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal. Humanities and Social Sciences. 15, 13-24.


Buchin, A. Y., & Chizhov, A. V. (2010). Firing-rate model of a population of adaptive neurons. Biophysics, 55(4), 592-599.


Buchin, A. J., & Chizhov, A. V. (2010). Modified firing-rate model reproduces synchronization of a neuronal population receiving complex input. Optical Memory and Neural Networks, 19(2), 166-171.

Conference proceedings

Buchin A., Sulovari A., Lyuapan J., Graddis N., Xue A., Berlind K., Levitan A., Dervan A., Muerdter F., Peikon I., Harris J. A., Hershberg R., Logsdon B. A. Lineage tracing and differential expression analysis of single nuclei RNA-sequencing data from human neocortex identifies novel genes and pathways involved in progression of Alzheimer’s disease. (2023). Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease (AD/PD). Gothenburg, Sweden.

Buchin A., Sulovari A., Lyuapan J., Graddis N., Xue A., Berlind K., Levitan A., Dervan A., Muerdter F., Peikon I., Harris J. A., Hershberg R., Logsdon B. A. Lineage tracing of single cell RNA-sequencing data from human midbrain identifies novel genes affected by idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. (2022). Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease (AD/PD). Barcelona, Spain.

Buchin A., Hodge R. D., Smith K. A., Goldy J., Torkelson A., Kaplan E. S., Melief E. J., Hawrylycz M. J., Keen D. C., Lein E. S., Miller J. A. Transcriptomic cell type analysis of human middle temporal gyrus in the context of Alzheimer's disease. (2021). Society fo Neurosciences, Online, United States.

Buchin A., Chartrand T., Bakken T., Miller L., Hidge R., Gouwens N., Gratiy S., Kalmbach B., Tasic B., Lee C., Lee J., Murphy G., Zeng H., Ting J., Sorensen S., Berg J., Lein E., Anastassiou C. (2019). Conserved and divergent electrophysiological and morphological properties of mouse and human transcriptomically-defined cell types. Chicago, United States.

Buchin A., de Frates R., Nandi A., Chong P., Mann R., Berg J., Kalmbach B., Rutishauer U., Gwinn R., Sorensen S., Ting J., Anastassiou C. (2018). Morpho-electric properties and computational simulation of human dentate gyrus granule cells from the epileptogenic hippocampus. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, United States.

Rubchinsky, L. L., Ahn, S., Klijn, W., Cumming, B., Yates, S., Karakasis, V., ... & Vassena, E. (2017, August). 26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2017): Part 2. BMC Neuroscience (Vol. 18, No. 1, p. 59). BioMed Central.

Buchin A., Chizhov, A., Huberfeld G., Miles R., Gutkin, B., S. (2016). Reduced Efficacy of the KCC2 cotransporter promotes epileptic oscillations in a subiculum network model. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, United States.

Buchin, A., Rieubland, S., Hausser, M., Gutkin, B., Roth, A. (2015). Inverse stochastic resonance in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, United States.


Buchin, A. Y., Huberfeld, G., Miles, R., Chizhov A. V., Gutkin B. (2015). Effects of a reduced efficacy of the KCC2 co-transporter in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: single neuron and network study. Organization for Computational Neurosciences, Prague, Czech Republic.


Buchin, A. Y., Huberfeld, G., Miles, R., Chizhov A. V., Gutkin B. (2014). Effects of a reduced efficacy of the KCC2 co-transporter in a single neuron model: relevance for epilepsy. Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, Milan, Italy.


Buchin, A. Y., Huberfeld, G., Miles, R., Gutkin, B. (2014). Effects of a reduced efficacy of the KCC2 co-transporter in a single neuron model: relevance for epilepsy. Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, United States.


Buchin, A., Chizhov, A. V. (2011). Description of pathologic neuron synchronization using firing-rate model framework, Physics Spb, St Petersburg, Russia, 36 – 37.


Buchin, A., Rieubland, S., Roth, A., Hausser, M., Gutkin, B. (2011). Model of bistability and Inhibition by noise of Purkinje cells,  Neuroinformatics, Moscow, Russia, 2, 196 – 205.


Buchin, A., Rieubland, S., Roth, A., Hausser, M., Gutkin, B. (2010). Model of bistability and inverse stochastic resonance of Purkinje cell, Multiscale analysis of neural systems: taking the challenge seriously, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 14.


Buchin, A., Chizhov, A. V. (2009). Synchronization in the firing-rate model, Hippocampus and memory: norm and pathology, Pushchino, Russia, 80-81.


Buchin, A., Chizhov, A. V. (2009). Synchronization of a neuron population by complex shape signal, Neuroinformatics, Moscow, Russia, 1, 264-273.



Talks & Seminars

Multi-modal characterization and simulation of human epileptic circuitry, Skoltech, Moscow, 2019

Computational modelling of human epilepsy: from single neurons to pathology, 2018, Microsoft Research, Redmond, United States

What is so special about human cortex? or H-channels contribute to divergent electrophysiological properties of supragranular pyramidal neurons in human versus mouse cerebral cortex, 2018, Higher School of Economics, Center for Cognition & Decision Making, Moscow

Ion dynamics in the epileptic brain: the role of intracellular chloride for seizure initiation, 2016, Higher School of Economics, Department of Psychology, Moscow

Model of bistability and inverse stochastic resonance of Purkinje cell, 2014, Higher School of Economics, Department of Mathematics, Moscow

Model of bistability and inverse stochastic resonance of Purkinje cell, 2014, National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute, Moscow

Effects of a reduced efficacy of the KCC2 co-transporter in a single neuron model and its relevance for epilepsy, 2014, Society for Neuroscience meeting, Washington DC, United States

Model of bistability and Inhibition by noise of Purkinje cells, 2011, Neuroinformatics conference, Moscow, Russia

Synchronization of a neural population by a complex shape signal, 2009, Neuroinformatics conference, Moscow, Russia


PhD 2015   slides

Master 2011   slides

Bachelor 2009   slides

Science communication

#нейротоля - vk, facebook


Buchin, A. (2019). What is so special about the human brain? (rus. Что особенного в мозге человека?),

Buchin, A. (2017). Chaos in the brain (rus. Хаос в мозге),

Buchin, A, Ivanizkaya, A. (2016). Blue brain project: connections and chaos (rus.  Blue Braine Project: связи и хаос),

Buchin, A. (2015). Models, epilepsy and the brain (rus. Модели, эпилепсия и мозг), public lecture, JetBrains, St Petersburg, Russia.


Buchin, A., Sabantsev, A. (2013). From living brain to artificial intelligence (rus. От живого мозга к искусственному интеллекту),


Buchin, A., Sabantsev, A. (2013). Neural networks (rus. Кого притащили нейронные сети), A. Buchin, A. Sabantsev, Ja Leonardo (rus. Я Леонардо), St Petersburg, Russia.


Buchin, A., Sabantsev, A. (2013). Brain Storm (rus. Мозговой штурм), Ja Leonardo (rus. Я Леонардо), St Petersburg, Russia.


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